R62S3 1.4.1 Unreleased

  • Fixed breakage due to plot being moved from graphics to base

R62S3 1.4.0 2020-01-27

Minor Updates

  • Minor updates to the whole package, backwards compatibility may be affected
  • mask now applies to well-defined S3 and S4 methods only. This may affect backwards compatibility. Checking S3 generics uses utils::isS3stdGeneric and checking S4 generics uses methods::.S4methods, any other generic/method definitions are not recognised.
  • Added support for read-only active bindings. A new scope argument allows the choice between generating public methods "public", active bindings "active", or both c("public", "active"). Support for all active bindings will be added in the future.
  • Added support for excluding methods/bindings. A new exclude argument allows specific methods or bindings to be ignored by the generator.
  • Added support to change the name of the dispatch object. The first argument in dispatch is used in the generic and method definition. The name of this argument can be changed by using the arg1 argument.


  • Documentation unified across all three functions
  • Backend abstracted into multiple helper functions
  • Optimised code, all for loops removed

R62S3 1.3.1 2019-06-26

  • Added R62S4
    • Extends to R62S3 to generate S4 generics and methods instead
  • Added R62Fun
    • Generates functions and no generics, dispatch methods if generics are found
  • Edited R62S3
    • Bug fixes in assignment
    • Bug fixes in finding generics
    • Adds functionality for masking

R62S3 1.2.1 2019-05-24

  • Released to CRAN!
  • Note Fix: Title to Title Case
  • Bug Fix: Moved R6 from Imports to Suggests
  • Removed unnecessary getEnvir
  • Simplified code by removing redundant conditional

R62S3 1.0.0 Unreleased

  • Stable release onto GitHub.