Lists decorators that can decorate an R6 Distribution.

listDecorators(simplify = TRUE)



logical. If TRUE (default) returns results as characters, otherwise as R6 classes.


Either a list of characters (if simplify is TRUE) or a list of DistributionDecorator classes.


#> [1] "CoreStatistics"     "ExoticStatistics"   "FunctionImputation"
#> $CoreStatistics
#> <CoreStatistics> object generator
#>   Inherits from: <DistributionDecorator>
#>   Public:
#>     mgf: function (t, ...) 
#>     cf: function (t, ...) 
#>     pgf: function (z, ...) 
#>     entropy: function (base = 2, ...) 
#>     skewness: function (...) 
#>     kurtosis: function (excess = TRUE, ...) 
#>     variance: function (...) 
#>     kthmoment: function (k, type = c("central", "standard", "raw"), ...) 
#>     genExp: function (trafo = NULL, cubature = FALSE, ...) 
#>     mode: function (which = "all") 
#>     mean: function (...) 
#>     clone: function (deep = FALSE) 
#>   Parent env: <environment: namespace:distr6>
#>   Locked objects: TRUE
#>   Locked class: FALSE
#>   Portable: TRUE
#> $ExoticStatistics
#> <ExoticStatistics> object generator
#>   Inherits from: <DistributionDecorator>
#>   Public:
#>     cdfAntiDeriv: function (lower = NULL, upper = NULL) 
#>     survivalAntiDeriv: function (lower = NULL, upper = NULL) 
#>     survival: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) 
#>     hazard: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) 
#>     cumHazard: function (..., log = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, data = NULL) 
#>     cdfPNorm: function (p = 2, lower = NULL, upper = NULL) 
#>     pdfPNorm: function (p = 2, lower = NULL, upper = NULL) 
#>     survivalPNorm: function (p = 2, lower = NULL, upper = NULL) 
#>     clone: function (deep = FALSE) 
#>   Parent env: <environment: namespace:distr6>
#>   Locked objects: TRUE
#>   Locked class: FALSE
#>   Portable: TRUE
#> $FunctionImputation
#> <FunctionImputation> object generator
#>   Inherits from: <DistributionDecorator>
#>   Public:
#>     packages: pracma GoFKernel
#>     decorate: function (distribution, n = 1000) 
#>     clone: function (deep = FALSE) 
#>   Active bindings:
#>     methods: function () 
#>   Private:
#>     .pdf: function (x, log = FALSE) 
#>     .cdf: function (x, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) 
#>     .quantile: function (p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) 
#>     .rand: function (n) 
#>   Parent env: <environment: namespace:distr6>
#>   Locked objects: TRUE
#>   Locked class: FALSE
#>   Portable: TRUE