Helper function for quickly combining distributions into a VectorDistribution.

# S3 method for Distribution
c(..., name = NULL, short_name = NULL, decorators = NULL)



distributions to be concatenated.

name, short_name, decorators

See VectorDistribution


A VectorDistribution


# Construct and combine
c(Binomial$new(), Normal$new())
#> Binom Norm 

# More complicated distributions
b <- truncate(Binomial$new(), 2, 6)
n <- huberize(Normal$new(), -1, 1)
c(b, n)
#> TruncBinom HubNorm 

# Concatenate VectorDistributions
v1 <- VectorDistribution$new(list(Binomial$new(), Normal$new()))
v2 <- VectorDistribution$new(
  distribution = "Gamma",
  params = data.table::data.table(shape = 1:2, rate = 1:2)
c(v1, v2)
#> Binom Norm Gamma1 Gamma2